An Object is a important thing that is specified during the incorporation of the company in the Memorandum of Association. In certain cases there would be a need to change in the objective of the company. The objective can be in short termed as object in documentation for the Incorporation. The Memorandum of Association (MOA) of the Company consist the clauses like name Clause, Objective Clause, Registered office Clause, Liability Clause, Share Capital Clause. The above mentioned five clauses can be altered anytime with the help of a resolution passed to the board.
A General meeting has to be held and the resolution has to be passed, the notice regarding the same should be passed 21 days prior in writing with the suitable explanation to be provided along with it and to be sent to the board members. If the company is unlisted or public then there must be a ballot held and the favor must be given accordingly on which basis the votes are awarded for.