A trademark can be defined as the unique identity that makes your product or service different from the rest. Trade mark can be a logo, photograph, slogan, word, sound, smell, colour combination or graphics. Most of the entrepreneur usually look for registration of logo or name only. A registered trademark is your business’s intellectual property or intangible asset.
Trademarks are registered by the Controller General Of Patents, Designs and Trademarks, Ministry Of Industry and Commerce, Government Of India and governed by The Trademark Act, 1999 . The registration provides the legal right to sue towards others who try to copy your trademark. Also, no one else can use a similar trademark .We are here to help you to protect your company brand value

Importance of Trademark Registration in India
Brand Value of your product/ service
Customers will identify a particular product or service only with the brand and tarde mark give brand to your product / service. Customer can easily identify your product/ service through registered trade mark.
Legally protected
The trade mark registration give you the legal right to sue to anyone who try to copy your trademark. Also, no one else can use a similar trademark
Valuable Intellectual asset
The trademark is a valuable intellectual asset of company which can be sold, franchised or licensed in monetary terms.
Business opportunity
A product or service being sold /provided with a registered trademark, it helps to build a bond of trust, reliability, quality, and goodwill in the minds of customers.